here we provide famous Gordon Ramsay Quotes 2025, top Gordon Ramsay Quotes 2025 , best Gordon Ramsay Quotes 2025 , new Gordon Ramsay Quotes 2025 , insult Gordon Ramsay Quotes 2025 etc. keep sharing.
famous Gordon Ramsay Quotes 2025
short Iconic Gordon Ramsay Quotes
I am what I am. A fighter.
I swim like a fish, and I have an amazing kick.
I’m Gordon Ramsay, for goodness sake; people know I’m volatile.
You do seriously surprise me… you surprise me how shitty you are.
This crab is so undercooked I can still hear it singing ‘Under the Sea.’
I wouldn’t trust you running a bath let alone a restaurant.
You added so much salt and pepper I can hear the dish singing ‘Push It.’
This is a really tough decision… ’cause you’re both crap.
There’s enough garlic in here to kill every vampire in Europe.
My gran could do better! And she’s dead!
This lamb is so undercooked, it’s following Mary to school!
I’ve never, ever, ever, ever, ever met someone I believe in as little as you.
The problem with Yanks is they are wimps.
This pizza is so disgusting, if you take it to Italy you’ll get arrested.
I train my chefs completely different to anyone else. My young girls and guys, when they come to the kitchen, the first thing they get is a blindfold. They get blindfolded and they get sat down at the chef’s table… Unless they can identify what they’re tasting, they don’t get to cook it.
Cooking today is a young man’s game, I don’t give a bollocks what anyone says.
You don’t come into cooking to get rich.
The minute you start compromising for the sake of massaging somebody’s ego, that’s it, game over.
Chefs are nutters. They’re all self-obsessed, delicate, dainty, insecure little souls, and absolute psychopaths. Every last one of them.
I don’t like looking back. I’m always constantly looking forward. I’m not the one to sort of sit and cry over spilt milk. I’m too busy looking for the next cow.
Swearing is industry language. For as long as we’re alive, it’s not going to change. You’ve got to be boisterous to get results.
You deserve a kick in the nuts.
I wouldn’t trust you running a bath.
This pork is so raw, I’m still singing ‘Hakuna Matata.'
You used so much thyme, Dr. Who arrived in the Tardis to save us all.
This salad is so fresh it had to live with its aunty and uncle in Bel Air.
Inspirational Gordon Ramsay Quotes
Swearing is industry language. For as long as we’re alive it’s not going to change. You’ve got to be boisterous to get results.
I think pressure’s healthy, and very few can handle it.
Initially, let your food do the talking. You’ll be surprised how far you go in a short period of time.
Stop taking things personally.
I’d like to think I’m a great teacher.
I act on impulse and I go with my instincts.
Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.
Two key ingredients in any successful chef: a quick learner and someone with a sharp brain.
If I can give you one strong piece of advice when you go away for that romantic weekend, whatever you do, do not accept or take the upgrade to the honeymoon suite.
Gordon Ramsey's Most Intense Insults quotes
The most classic of burns, where you build someone up only to smash them to pieces at the end.
This interaction will go down in history as one of the sassiest moments on television.
Another classic lead-up followed by a figurative slap in the face.
The filter was totally blown off for this one-liner.
He didn't even have to say anything here. Ramsay's actions—and his face in particular—do all the talking.
Are you sure you really want to do that, Gordon?
A few F-bombs, an attack on appearance, and a little rhyme—this is the ultimate Ramsay burn.
As amazing as these gif and photo quotes are, it's just not the same as hearing Ramsay for yourself:
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Of course the hot-headed chef also has a super-sweet side, as evidenced by his judging on MasterChef Junior. So maybe he's just trolling us all with rude comments? We'll never know.
Arguably the most famous of Ramsay's quips, the call and response insult even includes literally sandwiching one's face with two slices of bread. Ouch.
This fiery lashing is still somehow hilarious despite the cannibalistic implications.
Saying grace and asking the powers that be to help you not throw up might be the most back-handed insult of all time and we're here for it.
Definitely one of the most awkward things we've ever heard.
The least creative of all, but still very damn funny.
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