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short quotes on smile
Wrinkles are engraved smiles.
Live a good life. More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.
Memphis found his smile. 'You know me, sir. I don't wear worry.
She picked up the phone and dialed Blake's number. His silky hello made her smile.
"You're smiling, right?" His voice was so intimate.
"Of course," she murmured. "Does it still count if you don't see it?"
"It counts when I feel it," he replied.
We look forward to seeing all of your Vaseline coated smiles terribly soon.
Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.
I am the happiest creature in the world. Perhaps other people have said so before, but not one with such justice. I am happier even than Jane; she only smiles, I laugh.
A smile puts you on the right track. A smile makes the world a beautiful place. When you lose your smile, you lose your way in the chaos of life.
If you smile when you are alone, then you really mean it.
Smiles and tears are so alike with me, they are neither of them confined to any particular feelings: I often cry when I am happy, and smile when I am sad.
Someone who smiles too much with you can sometime frown too much with you at your back.
I wondered if my smile was as big as hers. Maybe as big. But not as beautiful.
Sometimes Hen...I think I would give my life just for one of your smiles.
I know a thousand different smiles, each with its own nuanced shade of meaning, but I don't know how to reach the few feet away to touch this person next to me. I don't know how to talk to him. Not when it's real.
A smile is the best way to deal with difficult situations. Even if it's a fake one. Used properly, you can fool anyone with them.
When you start giving, instead of getting, you make a difference. You can always give a warm smile, a sincere hello, a positive vibe… your attention, your time, your love, and kindness to those around you.
Love and compassion are the mother and father of a smile. We need to create more smiles in our world today. Smiles, after all, pave the way to a happy world.
best quotes on smile
I turn around and start walking, careful to keep my head down so no one sees the moment when the huge smile I was fighting finally breaks free. It takes every ounce of self-control not to look back and see if he's watching.
The face of a truly happy man seldom lacks smiles.
When you start giving, instead of getting, you make a difference… You can always give a warm smile, a sincere hello, a positive vibe… your concern, your attention, your time, your love, and kindness to those around you.
She is a smile in the dark
I enjoy it when the world smiles; the more smiles, the warmer I am.
He smiled like a sun lamp.
All four of us were young and undaunted and our smiles were so strong that it made me smile even then on the couch, with a kind of loss.
Smile more. Smiling can make you and others happy.
Smile. Give Earth the biggest smile you've got. See every glimmer of light in the scariest, darkest sky. And when people think you're crazy, then you know you've accomplished something very few dare to try.
The smile died. It was like the sun being turned off. I felt like a moment of silence was in order.
Each time a girl approached the table, Mortimer would smile. Like this: And each time the girl would shriek and run away.
But after my death let it be known that in my old age, at the very end of my life, there was still plenty that made me smile.
quotes about smiling through pain
Behind every fake smile is a broken heart.
Smile through the pain because the rain never stays.
Smile when it hurts most!
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.
Be strong and smile even if life hurts sometimes.
Nothing is more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through tears.
Sometimes just a smile on our face can help to make this world a better place.
You have to learn to smile through your pain. Sometimes it’s all we got.
Because remember, life is worth living.
Sometimes you just have to smile, pretend everything’s okay hold back the tears and just walk away.
Pretending to be happy when you’re in pain is just an example of how STRONG you are as a person.
Just smile and say you’re fine, cause nobody really cares anyway.
Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad.
Nothing shakes the smiling heart.
Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear, and to hide every pain.
The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling just to stop the tears from falling.
To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it!
During the day you see her smile, at night tears run down her face.
She’s hurt, mentally and emotionally but everyday she walks with a smile cause that’s just who she is: the girl who never stopped smiling
And she’ll continue to smile no matter how hurt she is!
Behind her smile is a hurting heart, behind her laugh she’s falling apart.
SMILE even when it hurts.
I smile not for that I am happy, but sometimes I smile to hide sadness.
It’s not always the tears that measure the pain. Sometimes it’s the smile we fake.
Fools are those that believe smiles are a sign of happiness.
A fake smile may fool the crowd but it never eases the pain.
A smile can hide so much pain.
The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The brightest eyes have cried the most tears. The kindest hearts have felt the most pain.
baby quotes on smile
A baby’s smile can give you power… enough to even struggle through tears.
It feels like the heavens are calling for you when a baby smiles at you.
A baby’s smile is a gift from God.
A baby is the most demanding boss, but pays your salary with smiles and love.
The greatest happiness is where baby smiles fill the air.
Whatever the claims of memes to be regarded as replicators in the same sense as genes, the first part of this chapter established that individual organisms are
she saw they all had identical glazed smiles, like people who have recently got into drugs or religion, or a new pyramid sales scheme
Smiles are antidotes to depression.
A smile is like a blush. It is a response, not an expression per se, and so it can neither be easily maintained nor easily recorded.
Whoever is content is cheerful.
Smile is an act of conquest! The person you smile at is immediately conquered, as if by an army of a thousand people!
Sometimes smiles and happy faces don't make us grow. Comfort does not make us grow as a person!
That rare, broken smile appeared, and something flipped inside of me. The layers of dust entrapping my heart scattered, leaving a clean slate.
Geralt was amazed by her arsenal of smiles.
Happiness is your baby’s first toothless smile.
When they finally place the baby in your arms and you notice that smile, you suddenly feel a surge of overwhelming, unconditional love that you never felt before.
A baby’s smile is a bit of sunlight wrapped in your arms.
A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born babe, and assures it of a mother’s love. – Thomas Chandler Haliburton
It is a moment of pure ecstasy and satisfaction when you see a smile flicker on baby’s lips, just as they gently pass into a deep slumber.
There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles. – Jared Padalecki
There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles. – Jared Padalecki
Whenever I look at a baby or children in general, I smile and just want to play with them.
Most babies know how to win us over. We cannot help but smile at them and watch them smile back.
One can resist everything in the world except the smile of a baby.
Well I’m sure you wouldn’t be able to resist these funny smile quotes and that you’ll crack a smile by reading them too.
What can a baby’s laughter do? It can cleanse your soul and scatter a smile in your sad heart.
Pure happiness is found in nothing but in the innocent smile of a baby.
Babies smile in their sleep because they’re listening to the whispering of angels.
Even babies understand the language of smiles. I think that speaks a lot for how universal a language happiness is.
It’s no wonder how mothers are so protective of their babies. One smile was all it took for me to understand and feel just the same.
One can never get tired of looking at the smiling face of a baby.If you want to see pure kindness in today’s world, go see a smiling baby.
A baby’s smile in the evening can turn your stressful day into a Sunday in heaven.
The best feeling in the world is knowing that you are the one who made the baby smile.
Baby smile for me and make me feel like I am floating in heaven with your laughter.
A baby’s smile is truly powerful. It can move the people with the hardest of hearts, and makes the toughest mothers soften theirs.
A baby’s smile is a language that can melt anyone’s heart.
The feeling that you get after making a baby smile is the best feeling in the world.
When you come home and you see your baby smile the feeling of being tired just goes away.
A baby’s smile is the antidote to melt your stress away.
A baby’s smile is so powerful that it can make you forget all your troubles in the world.
All the sleepless nights make it worth the effort when you are rewarded with a baby’s adorable smile.
No matter what the moment, a baby girl will always render sunshine in your life with her adorable smile.
A baby’s smile teaches us to be happy without reasons.
Innocent baby smile quotes
Fantastic is what you are, with that laughter that sends me on my knees, I love you so much.
How incredible you look and how awesome it is to be in your presence, you little cutie pie.
Babies are such adorable creatures that you just want to keep hugging and squishing tightly.
It must be great to feel like you are loved and that everyone loves looking at you, right baby?
How wonderful it is to have a baby smile at you, removing every stressful event all day long?
Those cute little fingers of you are something to behold, and the way you move them, kiddo.
Okay, little pal, we got this, you keep on smiling and I will keep trying to make you happy.
I want my child to be as happy as can be so that he would just be smiling all the time, really.
It may seem as if nothing is going right but the truth is that the best things in life are cool.
How do you deal with kids when they cry because I only know how to make them happy.
The best moment in the world is when you hear that little girl laugh after long time crying.
What can I say but that there is not anyone in the world I would trade you up for, baby boy.
When you come home and you see your baby smile the feeling of being tired just goes away.
You are so cute and adorable I was wondering why no one wanted to snatch you up my arms.
I would never get tired of looking at your face and your features they are just too cute to bear.
I have something for you and I hope that you will reward me by smiling at me like you like me.
I have this strange affinity for little kids where I just do all that I can do somehow keep okay.
The best thing about being a babysitter is seeing the baby looking at you, that is the truth of it.
Maybe life is not meant to be like that, maybe it is meant looking at the cute little babies, dear.
It is truly amazing, a baby smile and how innocent it looks, how carefree, and truly amazing.
I wish I can also make a baby smile, mostly I just make them cry and I do not know truly why.
There is nothing more I can hope for but that you grow up to be strong and as healthy, sister.
Maybe today is the day when I will finally be able to treasure that are your teeth, cute baby.
I live to hear you laugh and see you are becoming as happy as you can possibly become, dear.
You are the sunshine in my life that I cannot afford to ever let go of, I love you a lot, darling.
I will do all that I can to keep you as safe and happy as you can become, I promise you that.
You are the one who decides what you want in your life but for now, I get to take care of you.
I want a baby smile at me, something that is worth noticing, something to make me happy.
And all this time, I wonder how amazing it was that I am the vessel you used to be right here.
You are quite the smallest person yet the most innocent and pure one as well, I love you so.
Maybe I can get used to this, seeing you all happy and being amazed at everything you do.
Keep on playing, I don’t mind, all I care is to see on your face the smile that costs millions.
You are precious to me and I hope you appreciate that, I hope you get what that really means.
insta cute baby smile quotes
If loving you is something I cannot do, I do not know how to live this life any longer, my dear.
If that baby smile at me, maybe I am not as bad looking as I thought I am or maybe not at all.
How I wish I can see you right now so that you will be able to brighten up even my sad days.
The truth is that people are bound to hurt other people but I am never going to hurt you ever.
You are the exception to every rule that I ever made, you are mine and I am always yours.
There is something about your innocent smiles that makes everyone go in awe of you, cutie.
Honey, just say what you want and I will gladly find ways to give it to you, for I love you.
No matter how difficult life gets, I promise that I will never ever leave you behind in this life.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I will always treasure the bond we have.
I love you with all that I have and with all that I am, no one can surpass you in my heart.
There is nothing in this world that I would not give up for the few moments we spend together.
So, go ahead and keep that baby smile on his face so that he’ll be just okay through it all.
I wonder if you realize just how much I love you and how much I adore you: a whole lot.
Maybe the truth is that you are saving me more than I am trying to let you grow up, babe.
You are heaven sent, a gift that I have long wanted to get and is finally blessed to me.
The best kind of smile is a baby smile filled with nothing but pure happiness at the very core.
For now, the best that I can do is try and make this baby smile and so I will try my best, girl.
Baby smile for me and make me feel like I am floating in heaven with your laughter thank you.
The best kind of smile is a baby smile how heavenly it feels to look at it shining so brightly.
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