here we provide who am i questions 2025, best who am i questions 2025, unique who am i questions 2025, latest who am i questions 2025, student who am i questions 2025 random who am i questions 2025 etc. keep sharing. keep reading.
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who am i questions 2025
one line who am i questions 2025
What has 3 feet and nothing else?
What has four legs and a back, but can't walk?
What is deaf, dumb and blind, but always tells the truth?
What goes up and down without moving?
What has two arms and a neck but no head?
What do you have to give before you can keep it?
What can you break without touching it?
What is so fragile that sound can destroy it?
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?
I am the part of the plant that makes most of the food the plant needs. What am I?
What goes up but never comes down?
What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don't want to use it?
What grows down while it grows up?
random who am i questions
How would I describe myself?
How do I want to ideally describe myself?
What am I really struggling with at the moment?
What am I really interested in? Interested enough to invest more time and effort into it?
What do I do outside of my work?
What is the quality of my relationships with people?
What kind of people do I want to be with/around and why?
What are you inspired by?
What do I want to be remembered for?
How do I want to contribute to the people around me?
I have 4 legs and a tail. I have whiskers. People like to keep me as a pet. What am I?
I am a bird. I can swim but I can’t fly. I am black and white. What am I?
I have a large tail and big feet. I can hop along very fast. I live in Australia. What am I?
I have thick grey skin. I have big ears and a long trunk. I can spray water with my trunk. What am I?
I am a bird. I make a ‘hoot’ sound. I am usually awake at night. What am I?
I have brown and orange spots. I have 4 long legs. I am very tall. What am I?
I have 2 arms, 2 legs, and a tail. I like to eat bananas. I can swing from trees. What am I?
I eat leaves, grass, and plants. I have thick skin. I have a large horn on my face. What am I?
I am a big cat. I have big sharp teeth. I have orange fur and black stripes. What am I?
I live in the ocean. I can live for a long time. I am a very large mammal. What am I?
work who am i questions
I work in a restaurant. I cook food. I am in charge of the kitchen. What am I?
I work in a hospital. I help sick people. I am not a doctor. What am I?
I drive a car. I pick people up. I take people where they want to go. What am I?
I wear a uniform. I catch criminals. You can call me in an emergency. What am I?
I work in a classroom. I help people learn. I have many students. What am I?
I visit many countries. I work in a cockpit. I control an airplane. What am I?
I work in a restaurant. I take your food order. I bring food to your table. What am I?
I grow crops. I also keep animals. I sometimes drive a tractor. What am I?
I drive a big red truck. I sometimes climb ladders. I put out fires. What am I?
I wear a special suit. I fly in a rocket. I sometimes do a spacewalk. What am I?
I am hot. I am bright. I disappear at night. What am I?
I am an animal. I live in the jungle. I like bananas. What am I?
I have wheels. I run on tracks. You need a ticket to ride me. What am I?
I am beautiful. I am colorful. I appear after rainfall. What am I?
I am cold. I am delicious and sweet. I come in a bowl or cone. What am I?
I am tall. I have many rocks on me. People climb me sometimes. What am I?
I come in a box. I have many pieces. Put me together to make a picture. What am I?
I am a fruit. I am yellow and I taste sour. What am I?
I have 4 legs. I can’t walk. You can sit on me.
I have wings. I can carry many people. I am flown by a pilot. What am I?
I have 2 hands but no arms. I have a face but no eyes. What am I?
I go up but I never come down. What am I?
I have lots of holes but I can hold water. What am I?
I have many rings but they are not worth much. What am I?
I become wet while drying. What am I?
I get shorter as I get older. What am I?
I get smaller every time I take a bath. What am I?
The more you take from me the bigger I get. What am I?
I start with the letter E, end with the letter E, and I have a letter inside me. What am I?
I start out black, glow red when you use me, and I am grey when you throw me away. What am I?
best who am i questions
The more I lie, the more people trust me. Who am I?
My body is timber and I am a boy among men.
I have a nose without end and an insect for a friend.
Who am I?
I travel the world and I am drunk constantly. Who am I?
My neighbor makes mistakes. I get rid of them. Who am I?
Small was my stature, but my success was great.
Until I entered Belgium to be handed my fate.
Who am I?
I use electricity and I killed my father. I am a king. I have a lot of girlfriends, but I also have a wife. Who am I?
I'm the son of water but when I return to water I die. Who am I?
When I am visible to you, you cannot see me, but when I am invisible, you long to see me. I am plenty with someone patient, but all the more scarce with a hasty one. I am greater than all, but still in the control of those who value my existence. Who am I?
I am green and ugly and come out at night with a crumple old broom. Who am I?
I love spinach.
What am I?
Though I wander the earth, I am no longer here.
I am pale and I chill everyone near.
Who am I?
I make billions of dollars selling Windows.
Who am I?
Lifeless eyes on my smiling face and watch your child's sleeping place. In their dreams they hold me tight. Who am I?
I am white and I am black. I am fast and I am not fat. I confuse many people with my style. Who am I?
You throw me out when you want to use me and you take me in when you don't want to use me.
Who am I?
I give milk and have a horn but I'm not a cow. Who am I?
A box without hinges, lock or key, yet golden treasure lies within.
Who am I?
I shave several times a day, yet I still have a beard. Who am I?
I always run but never walk, often murmur, never talk, have a bed but never sleep, have a mouth but never eat.
Who am I?
I'm a god, a planet, and measurer of heat.
Who am I?
The more you have of me, the less you see.
Who am I?
All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.
Who am I?
I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will,
And yet I am the confidence of all,
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
Who am I?
I follow the orders of only two.
I respect the work of only two.
I am in constant battles with many,
Though one surpassed them all.
With forces joined,
We created hell,
Until our mutual enemy fell.
Who am I?
Although I'm not an insect, some people found me very difficult to exterminate. They called me something like 'insane priest.' The first half of my name means the same as 'scrape,' & my last three letters are a metal. Who am I?
best who am i questions for students
What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die?
I live where light is but die if light touches me. What am
What gets smaller when ideas grow?
What is yours to own, yet others use it more?
What loses its head every morning; but gets it back every night?
What goes all around town but never comes inside?
I travel around the world but never leave the corner. What am I?
What never gets any wetter no matter how hard it rains?
What has holes but holds water?
What gets wetter as it dries?
What starts with a P and ends with an E and has a thousand letters in it?
What breaks and never falls and what falls and never breaks?
I'm as light as a feather yet an average man can't hold me more than one minute. What am I?
I have lots of keys but I can't open anything. What am I?
What is something that you can take from and then it will get bigger?
What can you feed but if you give it water it will die?
What runs around a soccer field but never moves?
What has rivers but no water, forests but no trees, and cities but no people?
What has a tongue that can't speak, eyes that can't see and a soul that can't be saved?
What is bare in the winter and covered in the summer?
What has ears but can't hear?
You can feel it, but you can't touch it. You can hear it, but you can't see it. What is it?
I start with an E, end with an E and I only have one letter, what am I?
Who made it, tells it not. Who knows it, wants it not. Who doesn't know it, wants it. What is it?
What can be opened but can't be closed?
What has a spine but no bones?
What has a face and arms but no nose, ears, mouth, eyes, or body?
best who am i questions for kids
I’m round and I go up and down You can throw me and you can catch me Please be careful with me near the windows What am I?
I’m red, blood pumps through me, and I live in your body I’m the symbol for love, please don’t break me What am I?
Please be patient, I’m new to the world I cry a lot, please give me milk Everyone smiles at me, please pick me up What am I?
I come in many different colours and I get bigger when I’m full I will float away if you don’t tie me down and I will make a loud sound if I break What am I?
I’m beautiful in many different colours I smell nice; you can pick me if you want I will live for a long time just don’t forget to water me What am I?
I’m usually green and brown With rain, I can live for a long time I’m a house for a bird and kids love to climb me What am I?
I will keep you entertained with my comedy and my drama I’m shaped like a cube and I can attach to your wall What am I?
I am a tasty treat you can lick with your tongue I come in a bowl or a cone One of my common flavours is vanilla What am I?
I get wet when drying I get dirty when wiping What am I?
I’m red but I can be green at times and I am even yellow What am I?
I have no eyes and no legs I have no ears and am strong enough to move the earth What am I?
I have one eye but cannot see What am I?
You can catch me but cannot throw me What am I?
You are my brother, but I am not your brother Who am I?
If I drink, I die If I eat, I am fine What am I?
As a state in America I am round on both sides and high in the middle What am I?
I shrink smaller every time I take a bath What am I?
I am invisible Who am I?
I have a face but no eyes, hands but no arms What am I?
I am the only thing that places today before yesterday What am I?
Tear me off and scratch my head, what once red is now black What am I?
I am full of holes, but I can still hold a lot of water What am I?
I am full of keys, but I cannot open any doors What am I?
The more you take away from me, the larger I become What am I?
I am a ball that can be rolled but never bounced or thrown What am I?
I can jump, and I can climb With my many legs, I swing from tree to tree I can make a house much bigger than me What am I?
I have four legs but no tail Usually, I’m heard only at night What am I?
I give milk and I have a horn, but I’m not a cow What am I?
I come out at night without being called I’m lost in the day without being stolen What am I?
I can fly without wings and cry without eyes What am I?
I have a spine but no bones What am I?
I jump when I walk and sit when I stand What am I?
I’m soft and hairy from door to door I’m the pet that always stays on the floor What am I?
I can run but not walk Wherever I go, you are close behind What am I?
I can wake you up in the morning without electricity, batteries, or winding What am I?
I have a frame, but no pictures I have poles, but I don’t stand up What am I?
I have wheels and flies, but I’m not an airplane What am I?
I’m the part of the bird that’s not in the sky I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry What am I?
Say my name and I disappear What am I?
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