When you are a student moving into another city for the further studies then you might be going to meet roommates.
Sometimes, it can be nerve wrecking to meet your roomates for the first time. You are supposed to be living with strangers for 24×7 for entire college life. Though it seems scary but meeting your roomates can be a fun too. But instead of getting scared, you can try to get to know each other which can lead you to blend with each other.
As many of the students underestimate the importance of roommate tuning. You might take this for granted but it is important to get to know your roommates in some of the initial days. While there are some of the students who assume that there college is going to find them the best match as roommate. As college has the experience to provide best match as your roommates but this decision can also go wrong sometimes. This is why it is important that you take initiative to know each other.
Some meaningful and humorous questions can help you for the same. Don't have any idea for the questions just follow the below mentioned list for getting to know your roomates.
here we provide college roommate questions , best college roommate questions , crazy college roommate questions 2025 , top college roommate questions, unique college roommate questions, funny college roommate questions, sexy college roommate questions, hot college roommate questions etc. keep sharing. keep reading.
college roommate questions
Do you have a job?
How do you like to study?
What are you willing to share?
Do you have any allergies?
Are you a morning or night person?
Do you drink/smoke?
What are your favorite foods?
What kind of music do you like?
one line college roommate questions
What are you bringing?
Do you want to coordinate dorm decor?
What classes are you taking? Do you have a schedule yet?
What are your thoughts on chores?
Have you ever lived with someone before?
Are you taking any extracurriculars or playing sports on campus?
Are you planning on going home a lot?
What is your protocol on overnight guests? What level of privacy do you prefer?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
If we have a disagreement, how should we handle it?
When are you moving in?
What level of clean do you like your room?
What are you planning to do over summer break?
Is there anything else I should know about you? Do you want to know anything else about me?
Are you excited for move-in day?
What is your major?
What does your class schedule look like?
Are you taking part in any clubs, sports, or extracurricular activities?
Are you currently working? Do you plan to keep a job while you’re in school?
Do you consider yourself to be a morning person/early riser or a night owl?
Do you need complete darkness to sleep? Do you need some light in the room?
To get a good night’s sleep, do you need the television or radio on?
Are you bringing any large items that could be shared, like televisions or mini-fridges, that we may not want duplicates of?
What are you open to sharing? What are you not willing to share?
Would you like to coordinate our dorm room décor, or would you rather personalize your share of the space?
Have you ever had a roommate before? What was that experience like for you?
What are your thoughts on chores? Do you have ideas on how to divide them?
How clean does the space need to be for you to feel comfortable?
How do you feel about guests?
Do you plan to go home during the holidays or on weekends?
How do you prefer to study? Do you want to stay in the room, or are you planning on using another space, like the library? If you’re studying in the room, do you need complete quiet?
Do you have any allergies that I need to be aware of to ensure I don’t bring those allergens into our shared space?
When it comes to living with others, do you have any pet peeves?
What kind of music do you listen to?
Do you have any hobbies that you’ll be doing in the room?
If we have a disagreement, what approach do you feel is best for working through it?
questions to ask college roommate
Is your income level able to support your share of the rent and bills?
If you lost your job, how would you ensure you could handle your share of the costs?
How do you feel about overnight guests?
When it comes to chores, how do you envision handling shared spaces? For example, would you want a formal, rotating schedule?
Where would you want to set the thermostat?
Do you smoke or drink? Do you plan to do so when you are inside the apartment/house?
Do you work from home?
Would you rather split cooking/meal duties or fend for yourself?
How do you like to spend your time off from school/work?
Do you plan on staying all year, or just while school is in session?
Has there ever been a time when you couldn’t make rent?
If you could pick one album to take on a deserted island with you, what would it be?
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
What were you like as a kid?
Why did you choose this college?
What are you thinking about majoring in?
What clubs/extracurricular activities did you do in high school?
What is one of the kindest things someone has done for you?
How many siblings do you have? Who’s your favorite?
What’s something about you that is like your parent(s)?
What would your ideal dorm room look like?
Organize orientation volunteers with a sign up. SAMPLE
What’s your favorite class you’ve ever taken?
What does your perfect morning look like?
Would you rather stay up late or wake up early?
What snacks should we always have stocked in our room?
What was the best compliment you ever received?
If you could live in a fictional world from a book, what book would it be?
What would be your dream job if you could do anything and money didn’t matter?
Who was your favorite animated character growing up?
Where do you find peace?
random college roommate questions 2025
Are you more like your mother or your father?
What is your favorite TV show?
What are two items you’ve checked off your bucket list?
What is your favorite meal your family makes?
What is your favorite genre of music?
If you could live in any time period, which one would it be?
What is the most thought-provoking movie you have ever seen?
What’s your coffee order?
If you could hear any musician play live, living or dead, who would it be?
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? Do you regret it?
Get out-of-state students to and from the airport with a sign up. SAMPLE
If you could solve one world issue, what would it be?
If you could immediately play any instrument, what would it be?
If you could drive any kind of car, what would you drive?
What skill do you wish you were good at, but aren’t?
What’s your favorite family tradition?
What random topic are you an expert on?
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
new college roommate questions
What topics/issues do you love to learn more about, and why?
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
Plan a campus orientation walk with a sign up. SAMPLE
What are your pet peeves?
Which summer was the best of your life, and why?
What habit are you trying to quit?
What do you look for most in a friend?
What is your favorite vacation you’ve ever taken?
What was one big turning point in your life that changed you in some way?
What is a song that reminds you of your childhood?
What item can you not live without?
Which birthday has been your favorite so far?
What can I do to be the best roommate for you?
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