3322+ Funny Would You Rather Questions For Teens Latest 2025

Category: questions

In a party or family gathering, there's much more than that of drinking cold drinks and having snacks.

These traditional things in these events make them boring for the guest. So when you are on a hunt to

organize something creative and funny for your guests, then you must include funny would you rather

questions for teens which is designed to boost up the energy level of teens. So, if you are a party planner for the college or school and searching for an amazing game then your

search ends here. Here we are going to include different would you rather questions which will be

working for different occasion and age group as well. You will find some of the funny and challenging

questions for the same. As the party startup and born fire is lit up, everyone got done with party, you

can announce that we are not done yet. With these questions, you can start bombarding your party and

spice up the party. So, let's get started with the list. here we provide funny would you rather questions for teens 2025, best funny would you rather questions for teens 2025, unique funny would you rather questions for teens 2025, latest funny would you rather questions for teens 2025, new funny would you rather questions for teens 2025 etc. keep sharing. keep reading.

funny would you rather questions for teens 2025

short funny would you rather questions for teens

Would you rather have a babysitter or be forced to babysit?

Would you rather roll off your bed or roll into a wall?

Would you rather be the class clown or be the school mascot?

Would you rather have really large feet or really large hands?

Would you rather constantly sneeze or constantly itch?

Would you rather lose 10 friends or gain 5 enemies?

Would you rather have a weird smile or a weird laugh?

Would you rather eat no candy at Halloween or no turkey at Thanksgiving?

Would you rather date someone you love or date someone who loves you?

Would you rather lose the ability to lie or believe everything you’re told?

Would you rather be free or be totally safe?

Would you rather be really hairy all over or have a bald head?

Would you rather have a big head or a long neck?

Would you rather have a crooked voice or a squeaky voice?

Would you rather have a monkey that talks or a monkey that dances?

Would you rather have all your teeth fall out, or all your hair fall out?

Would you rather hop around or walk backward?

Would you rather burn your uniform while ironing or tear your uniform while washing?

Would you rather watch a scary movie at night or a scary movie when you’re home alone for the weekend?

Would you rather have your head attached backward or your eyes at the back of your head?

Would you rather prank your parents or have your parents try to prank you?

Would you rather kiss a frog or hug a skunk?

Would you rather swallow gum accidentally or have it stuck in your hair?

Would you rather be chased by a hobo or a hobo’s dog?

random funny would you rather questions for teens

Would you rather your younger sister did your homework, or you did your younger sister’s homework?

Would you rather have all your teeth fall out or have two tongues?

Would you rather have really bushy eyebrows or no eyebrows at all?

Would you rather have a friend that smells weird or a friend that acts weird?

Would you rather your dog pooped on your homework or your dog ate your homework?

Would you rather have a pimple on my nose or in between your eyes?

Would you rather pour your lunch on the principal or the most popular person in school?

Would you rather fart loudly in class or in the hallway?

Would you rather walk into baby poop or dog poop?

Would you rather walk around with something taped to your back or stuck in your hair?

Would you rather drink something that’ll give you a pink tongue or a black tongue?

Would you rather have a friend who reveals too much personal information or who doesn’t know how to keep secrets?

Would you rather win in a pie eating contest or in a drinking contest?

Would you rather be caught singing in the bathroom loudly or talking to yourself in the mirror?

Would you rather be a terrible dancer or be a terrible singer?

Would you rather have an embarrassing picture of you circulate around school or circulate on the internet?

Would you rather your mom dressed funny to school or brought your baby pictures to show your classmates?

Would you rather be in college already or go back to Kindergarten?

Would you rather have parents who dress like teenagers or parents who dress like grandparents?

Would you rather not be able to hear anything while watching TV or not be able to see anything?

Would you rather sit on something wet or sit on something sticky?

Would you rather date someone goofy or date someone weird?

Would you rather have a long nose or a fat nose?

Would you rather have a wide face or a long face?

If you were reborn in a new life, would you rather be alive in the past or future?

Would you rather Eat sh#t that tasted like chocolate, or eat chocolate that tasted like crap?

Would you rather Look 10 years older from the neck up, or the neck down?

Would you rather Be extremely underweight or extremely overweight?

Would you rather Experience the beginning of planet earth or the end of planet earth?

Would you rather have three kids and no money, or no kids with three million dollars?

Would you rather Be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent?

Would you rather Have a Lamborghini in your garage or a bookcase with 9000 books and infinite knowledge?

Would you rather reverse one decision you make every day or be able to stop time for 10 seconds every day?

Would you rather Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?

short funny would you rather questions for teens

Would you rather Run at 100 mph or fly at ten mph?

Would you rather Continue with your life or restart it?

Would you rather Be able to talk your way out of any situation, or punch your way out of any situation?

Would you rather Have free Wi-Fi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?

Would you rather have seven fingers on each hand or have seven toes on each foot?

Would you rather live low life with your loved one or rich life all alone?

Would you rather Have no one to show up for your Wedding or your funeral?

Would you rather Rule the World or live in a World with absolutely no problems at all?

Would you rather go back to the past and meet your loved ones who passed away or go to the future to meet your children or grandchildren to be?

Would you rather speak your mind or never speak again?

Would you rather live the life of a king with no family or friends or live like a vagabond with your friends or family?

Would you rather know how you will die or when you will die?

Would you rather speak all languages or be able to speak to all animals?

Would you rather get away with lying every time or always know that someone is lying?

Would you rather eat your dead friend or kill your dog and eat it when you are marooned on a lonely island?

Would you rather Have a billion dollars to your name or spend $1000 for each hungry and homeless person?

Would you rather End death due to car accidents or end terrorism?

Would you rather Leave your unemployed son homeless or pay for his dr#g habits and illegal activities?

Would you rather end the life of a human being or 100 cute baby animals?

Would you rather End hunger or end your hunger?

kids funny would you rather questions for teens

Would you rather Skinny dip with your classmate or with a stranger?

Would you rather give up your love life or work life?

Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?

Would you rather be a millionaire by winning the lottery or by working 100 hours a week?

Would you rather read minds or accurately predict the future?

Would you rather eat only pizza for 1 year or eat no pizza for 1 year?

Would you rather visit 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?

Would you rather be able to land on the sun or live alone in Pluto?

Would you rather be tickled or tickle someone?

Would you rather have tentacles for hands or legs?

Would you rather wear your clothes inside out or backward?

Would you rather have to wear a clown nose or a clown wig everywhere you go?

Would you rather have milk squirt out of your nose or out of your ears?

Would you rather always laugh at sad things or always cry at funny things?

Would you rather find out Santa Claus was real or Tooth Fairies were real?

Would you rather fall asleep on a public bus or in class?

Would you rather laugh so hard you started to cry or laugh so hard you couldn’t breathe?

Would you rather drink and eat from a baby feeding bottle or never eat in public again?

Would you rather eat the family pet or not eat for a week?

Would you rather have wings or have a tail?

Would you rather use someone else’s toothbrush or find out someone used your toothbrush?

Would you rather be abducted by Zombies or Aliens?

Would you rather have your face painted while you were asleep or have your tummy painted?

Would you rather wake up with a new face or wake up to see a new family?

Would you rather meet a mini you or an evil version of you?

Would you rather dump your lunch tray on the school bully or on your Hall monitor?

Would you rather prank your neighbor or stalk your neighbor?

Would you rather have to sing with a terrible voice in public or have to dance offbeat in public?

Would you rather wear oversized clothes to school or clothes that are much too small?

Would you rather fall asleep for a year or have insomnia for a year?

Would you rather have a fat tummy or fat cheeks?

Awkward funny would you rather questions for teens

Would you rather have gap teeth or have to use braces for your teeth?

Would you rather have six fingers or six toes?

Would you rather sweat from your nose or sweat from your ears?

Would you rather be ridiculously tiny or be ridiculously huge?

Would you rather be trapped in a room full of talking dolls or walking teddy bears?

Would you rather have your mom kiss your cheeks in public or call you your childhood nickname in public?

Would you rather fall off a bike or fall off a skateboard?

Would you rather be terrible at cooking or be terrible at baking?

Would you rather still cuddle with stuffed animals at night or talk to stuffed animals at night?

Would you rather be so tired your mom had to bath you or be so tired your best friend had to bath you?

Would you wake up to find your hair bald or to find out that your hair turned pink?

Would you rather your friend uploaded a picture where your outfit looked weird or your face looked weird?

Would you rather walk into the wrong class or carry the wrong notes to school?

Would you rather walk around after a shower with soap in your hair or soap behind your ears?

Would you rather fall into a swimming pool or fall into a pool of water?

Would you rather be involved in a food fight or start a pillow fight?

Would you rather your best friend dressed like someone from the 80’s or someone from another planet entirely?

Would you rather be dumped in front of the whole school or be dumped on a live video online?

Would you rather work as a clown or work in a circus?

Would you rather have weird siblings or have weird friends?

Would you rather chase a crawling cockroach or be chased by a flying cockroach?

Would you rather have a childish older sibling or a younger sibling that likes to boss you around?

Would you rather have parents that looked like young people or parents that dressed like young people?

Would you rather be pursued by chickens or be pursued by turkeys?

Would you rather be known as the teacher’s pet in school or be known as mummy’s pet at home?

Would you rather wear two different legs of socks to school or two different legs of shoes?

Would you rather snore when you sleep or talk when you sleep?

Would you rather sit in between two really fat people or two really smelly people?

Would you rather have to work on a farm after school or have to work on a field after school?

Would you rather sneeze really loud or sneeze really hard?

Would you rather be very ticklish or have a best friend who’s very ticklish?

Would you rather pass out poop that smells really bad or poop that doesn’t flush easily?