3323+ long distance relationship questions Latest 2025

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It really feels empty and broken when things are not so good with your long distance boyfriend. You always flash gets if he gets someone else, if he gets separate from you and many other things as well. This is such a situation where you don't know what to do and how to do. The best thing you can do is take the initiative and talk to them.

Now you might be thinking on what to talk, what can be the topic and etc. Don't worry we are here to help you. Now, don't feel ashamed and shy because we all are human and things like these happen with all of us.

When you don't find them by your side it becomes really hard to get through the day. You just want to talk to them but you don't know on how and where to start. Just make sure that you are honest and open for communication. And, also know that not every relationship is a piece of cake so you will have to keep making communication. So here goes the list.

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long distance relationship questions

one line long distance relationship questions

What is the greatest strength of our relationship?

Are you happy with our current level of emotional intimacy?

What’s the best name you can think of for a pet?

What are some of the thing you want to do the next time we are together?

Would you rather be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team?

If a genie granted you three wishes right now, what would you wish for?

Would you change anything about yourself?

Do you think we have grown as a couple since we started our long distance relationship?

Do your family supports our relationship?

What is the thing that annoys you the most about me?

Would you rather go 30 days without your phone or your entire life without dessert?

What would you think is our greatest weakness as a couple?

Do you feel emotionally supported?

What are your top five things on your bucket list?

If you had to kill five innocent people in order to save my life, would you?

What is your favorite family tradition?

Would you rather have unlimited savory foods for life or unlimited sweets for life?

When the day comes, how do you want to celebrate closing the distance?

Would we have a long distance relationship if we were living in the 18th century and the only way to communicate was by letters once a moth?

Describe your dream vacation.

Do you feel loved?

What are some of the things you hate the most about our long distance relationship?

How would you deal, if you ever get in a disagreement with one of my family members or friends?

What’s something you misunderstood as a child and only realized much later was wrong?

If you only had a week left to live, what are some things you would do?

What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?

Would you go to jail for something that I did, so that I would be able to keep living my life?

What moment in our relationship did you feel loved the most?

You suspect that your neighbors may be abusing their child, do you mind your own business or call the police?

What’s the most useless product around today?

Do you consider yourself materialistic?

What’s something you always wanted to do as a child but never got to do?

What were your thoughts the first few months of our long distance relationship?

Someone calls me something horrible. Do you let me fight my own battles, or jump in and defend me?

If you could permanently change one movie ending, what would it be?

What are some of the things you want us to do together?

Who or where would you haunt if you were a ghost?

What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?

Describe me in 3 words.

Do you think distance has helped us grow individually?

You are offered a pill that makes you 50% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?

Do you think we communicate well? If not, how can we fix them?

Do you ever feel like being in a long-distance relationship holds you back?

Do you think is possible to be only friends with someone of the opposite sex? Would you mind if my best friend was a guy?

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

Do you ever rehearse a phone call beforehand?

Do you ever get jealous? Explain some situations that spark jealousy.

Did you break any bones as a kid? What was the story?

What was the worst part about middle school?

Who was your favorite high school teacher, and how did they impact you?

What’s one achievement you worked really hard for?

Did you have birthday parties as a kid? Which one was your favorite and why?

What sports did you play growing up?

Have you had any near-death experiences?

What was your neighborhood like? Did you play with the kids next door?

What was the best game you made up as a kid?

What’s your all-time favorite Christmas present?

What was the coolest Lego creation you ever built?

What toy did you think you would never outgrow?

Did you ever get in trouble in elementary school?

What are your best sleepover memories?

How did you handle the dentist’s office as a kid?

What was your favorite book series as a kid?

What chores did you love and hate?

Who taught you how to drive?

How did your driving test go?

If you could change the meaning of your name, what would it be?

Interesting Experiences long distance relationship questions

What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made as a leader, and how did you learn from it?

What’s the worst haircut you’ve ever had?

What’s the most satisfying meal you’ve ever eaten?

Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?

Would you ever run for an elected government position?

Would you become an astronaut if you had the chance?

Have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator?

What’s the longest you’ve waited in line for something?

What are the worst weather conditions you’ve ever driven in?

When was a time you got really dirty or muddy? What happened?

What’s something you regret purchasing?

If you were to write a book, what genre would it be?

What’s the best surprise you’ve ever received?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ordered on Amazon?

Would you move back to the place you grew up in?

Did your parents ever leave you behind at a store?

What’s the best board game you’ve ever played?

Everyday Life long distance relationship questions

What’s the most dominant color in your wardrobe and why?

How do you react if your morning routine gets messed up?

How do your music choices influence your daily emotions and vice versa?

What elements of a store or online shop make you want to return?

What’s the most complicated meal you’ve made and how did you learn to make it?

Do you keep a budget? Is it helpful?

Are you a saver or a spender?

How skilled are you at keeping plants alive?

Why is your favorite pair of pants your favorite?

Where is your favorite coffee shop and why do you love it?

How do you usually hear about the latest news? (podcasts, newspaper, Facebook)

What books have greatly impacted your thinking?

What are you currently reading?

Do you care about how many unread emails you have?

What gives someone’s home an inviting atmosphere?

What’s an item you don’t like to share with other people?

How often do you write and receive letters?

What’s the most thought-provoking podcast you’ve heard recently?

Do you have any interesting stories from odd jobs?

What’s the secret to becoming an excellent storyteller?

Family long distance relationship questions

What do you respect and love about each of your parents?

What lesson are you most thankful your parents taught you?

How similar are you to your parents’ personalities?

What do you wish your parents did differently?

Are your parents content with where they are and what they’re doing?

Who are your favorite relatives?

Were/are you close with your grandparents?

How would you describe what makes your family special?

What are your siblings like? What makes each one unique?

How close are you with your siblings, and do you wish you were closer?

Where is your family originally from, and how much of that culture has your family retained?

Does your family make any special heritage foods? What’s the process?

How does your family celebrate holidays?

What’s your favorite meal to eat at your parents’ house and why?

How can I pray for your family?

Friendships long distance relationship questions

Do you keep in touch with your high school friends, and will you continue to?

Do you enjoy making new friends?

Does hosting people make you stressed or excited?

Is it hard for you to maintain long-distance friendships

What friends of yours do you think I should get to know more?

How many people really, truly know you?

Who’s someone you’d like to become friends with?

How have your friends influenced who you are?

What’s the best movie to watch with a group of friends?

Do friends always make good roommates?

Who knows you better than you know yourself?

Who do you go to with computer problems?

Are small or large groups more life-giving to you?

Who is the happiest person you know, and why?

Who always makes you laugh?

Have you ever been betrayed by a friend or family member?

Personality long distance relationship questions

What are five simple things that bring you joy?

Who do you feel comfortable crying with?

How do you destress after a long day?

When was the last time you got really angry?

What do you do when you’re sad?

What’s comforting to you when you’re sick?

What are signs you’re tired or stressed?

How many hugs per day do you need to survive?

In your entire life, when have you felt most loved?

Which animal most closely represents your personality?

Do you like to work with your hands?

Do you prefer buying things new or used?

What will you splurge on?

What are your political leanings?

What are you most passionate about in life?

What times of day do you have the most energy?

Do you make decisions based on emotions or logic?

How accurate are personality tests?

How do you feel about singing around other people?

What types of surprises do you enjoy?

What political topics are you passionate about?

What are my strengths and weaknesses? What are yours?

How are our personalities alike? How are we different?

How do our personalities complement one another?

What characteristics cause us to clash sometimes?

Since we started dating, how has each of us changed for the better?

College & Career long distance relationship questions

What’s your biggest career-related fear?

Would you ever work for a nonprofit?

Would you start your own business?

What do you hope to achieve by age 40?

What part of your job are you most passionate about?

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

What’s the most interesting college class you’ve taken?

What’s learning style and how do you study most effectively?

What’s your favorite study spot on campus and why?

What helps you survive finals week?

How much does the “college experience” matter?

Looking back, would you choose to attend the same college?

How have you changed during college?

Do you plan to stay involved as an alumni?

How did you decide to pursue your major/career?

What skills and gifts has God given you?

How confident are you that you’ll stay in this field?

What’s a fallback career for you, and why isn’t it your first choice?