2215+ quotes about eyes 2025

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here we provide quotes about eyes and soul 2025,quotes about eyes and love 2025, quotes about eyes 2025, best quotes about eyes 2025, new quotes about eyes 2025 keep sharing. keep reading.

quotes about eyes 2025

quotes about eyes and love 2025

One day, someone will look you in the eyes and make you realize what love truly is, girl.

Guys love girls who have lovely smiles and lovely eyes, that is the truth behind all of it.

The beauty of a girl can be seen from her eyes because it is the doors to her heart.

The eyes are the windows to your soul, to see whether you are kind or not, it is that.

You write for so many reasons that you can find, one of them is seeing a pair of brown eyes.

Those black orbs seem to be staring at me as if I am the most beautiful girl in the world.

You have the most beautiful pair of hazel brown eyes I have ever seen in my entire life.

You are the reason why I wake up each morning, to look and stare at your beautiful eyes.

Those eyes of yours are the only pair of eyes I would never get tired staring at all life long.

If you would give me a chance to prove my love to you, I would do so, to show you it’s true.

Those eyes are practically the best pair in this world and I am glad they are with you.

The beauty that you are feeling inside of you right now will eventually reflect in your eyes.

short quotes about eyes 2025

Eyes so transparent that through them the soul is seen.– Theophile Gautier

When pain brings you down, don’t be silly, don’t close your eyes and cry, you just might be in the best position to see the sunshine.― Alanis Morissette

When the heart is full, the eyes overflow.– Sholom Aleichem

The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.– Audrey Hepburn

The light that lies in woman’s eyes, has been my heart’s undoing.– Thomas More

The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star.– Henry David Thoreau

Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks vision.– Stevie Wonder

quotes about eyes and soul 2025

If I can see pain in your eyes then share with me your tears. If I can see joy in your eyes then share with me your smile. ― Santosh Kalwar

Those true eyes Too pure and too honest in aught to disguise the sweet soul shining through them. – Owen Meredith

If the past was what we were meant to see. Then behind, not in front, our eyes would be. – RVM

I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again. – Sylvia Plath

The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears. – John Vance Cheney

Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees. – Rumi

Fix your eyes on perfection and you make almost everything speed towards it. – William Ellery Channing

True love doesn’t need proof. The eyes told what heart felt. ― Toba Beta

The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart. – St. Jerome

When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes. – Victor Hugo

No one can lie, no one can hide anything, when he looks directly into someone’s eyes. – Paulo Coelho

The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter. ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

quotes about eyes and smile 2025

There is nothing wrong with wanting to stare at your orbs, I tell you, they are beautiful.

I look at you and I see the potential, I see the beauty that is in your eyes, I see it always.

I wish that there are times when I would be able to look you in the eyes and tell you how I feel.

The best moment to confess to you would be the day I can look you straight in the eyes.

I always feel shy around you and always look down, so I always do not see your pretty eyes.

Those orbs of yours that are brown in color with specks of gold are truly a sight to look at.

When you feel like you want to disappear, all you really need to do is look at me and smile.

There is nothing wrong with being down, as long as you get back up, that is your power.

Where words are restrained, the eyes often talk a great deal. – Samuel Richardson

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts. – Paramahansa Yogananda

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. – Marcel Proust

When the heart is down and the soul is heavy, the eyes can only speak the language of tears ― Ikechukwu Izuakor

The eyes shout what the lips fear to say. – William Henry

Ah, what happiness it is to be with people who are all happy, to press hands, press cheeks, smile into eyes. ― Katherine Mansfield

The eyes only see what the mind is prepared to comprehend. – Henri Bergson

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant? – Henry David Thoreau

Being able to bounce back so fast is one of the best things about you, beautiful eyes.

To the girl with the beautiful eyes, I hope that you will love yourself because you are awesome.

You may just be an average person but to someone you are the most beautiful person ever.

There is always a way to be the best you can be. I believe in you, Mr. Beautiful eyes, sir.

There were so many things that I wanted to tell you but I was so mesmerized by your eyes.

I forgot all that I had to say the moment our eyes met each other, sad to say but it’s true.

Is it alright to love you even if the only thing I am attracted to is your beautiful eyes?

They say that eyes are the ones that will tell you most about the person, you are beautiful.